this house was cool. they had the water going off to christmas music.
a gingerbread house. love it.. My beautiful mother, lil sister maryssa, lewis & me
Lewis & momma
of course he was sick of the stroller so i carried him most the time.
so happy!! he loved all the lights.
so now on to the big race. i was soo nervous since it was my first race & i didnt know what to expect. it was pretty hard the first 3 miles but once i made it past mile 3 it got a little easier for some reason. i just tryed to keep up with some girls ahead of me. they got farther & farther away though... but i still did great. i finished in 53 minutes. an average of 8 min 40 seconds per mile. i finished 3rd in my age group & 23rd overall. i won $10 bucks to dicks sporting goods for taking 2nd in my age group (even though i really took 3rd the girl who took 1st overall was from my age group so they dropped her so therefore i got 2nd place prize).
the group before the race.
me after the race. waiting for my mom.

it was so cute having Lewis there waiting at the finish line. for some reason he kept laughing at me for no reason. i musta looked really funny or something.

so now i am training for another 10k in february. Its for a great cause & alot of my family is coming to run in it also. All proceeds from the race will go to The Congenital Heart Foundation at St. Joseph's to help families who are battling tough defects. It will help provide Transportation costs so parents can be at the hospital as much as possible (gas cards & bus passes), help w/ bills, and provide a fund for those who lose a child & need help w/ creamation or casket expenses). im so excited to run for such a good cause. im even more excited to have lots of family & friends come run in it. We will also be celebrating Lewis's 1st birthday. wow i cant believe its almost been a year. so anyone & everyone come run in the race then join us for a birthday bash! go here to get more info on the race & to sign up.

I seriously still cry everytime I see that kid...he is such a miracle!!! Im planning on being at the race but not for sure yet, cause I might surprise UB with a get away but if we don't go I will for sure at the run!!!